Join us at SMM Exhibition 2024 in Hamburg from 3th to 6st of september

Quality, health, safety & environmental policy

HAWKE TRANSIT SYSTEM, dedicated to the design, manufacture, distribution and inspection of cable and pipe sealing systems for the naval, industrial, oil & gas, nuclear, telecommunications, energy sectors, โ€ฆ adapting to the quality needs demanded by a market every time more competitive, committed to continuous improvement and oriented towards total customer satisfaction, it has an Integrated Management System in compliance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 Standards, the applicable Directives (European Maritime Equipment Directive MED 2014/90/EU, Explosive Atmospheres Directive 2014/34 / EU, IECEx Standards) as well as all the revisions and annexes that these entail.

The principles of our Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy are described below:

1. Permanent commitment of Hawke Transit System and of all the people who work on its behalf in continuous improvement, prevention of environmental pollution and performance of its activities in safe conditions as a standard of conduct.

2. Compliance with all legal and other applicable requirements related to its Environmental Aspects and Occupational Health and Safety

3. Establishment of Objectives to improve Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work, measurable, achievable, and reviewed in the short term by the Management, providing the necessary resources, both financial and human, to achieve them.

4. Communication of the Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety Policy to stakeholders

5. Guarantee a continuous training of all people of Hawke Transit System in accordance with their respective activity, providing the necessary knowledge so that they can develop their activity in the maximum safety conditions, with the utmost respect for the environment and focused on the satisfaction of the needs of the clients and all areas

6. Responsibility of all people of Hawke Transit System to ensure the follow-up of the established procedures as well as the analysis of deviations, establishing organizational and technological measures to prevent failures and minimize possible environmental impacts derived from the activity.

7. Search for the full satisfaction of our client with the service and quality provided, so that we deserve their trust and thus becoming a highly competitive Organization.

8. Periodically and in accordance with the applicable requirements and their revisions, this policy will be reviewed for its adaptation by the Companyโ€™s Management.

The Management ensures that these commitments are kept present in the objectives and strategies followed in the Organization, being understood, applied and kept constantly updated at all levels of Hawke Transit System.
